Monday, November 21, 2011

Celebrating 35 Years ... of Living!

I must say that I had a really good 35th birthday!

Brian took 3/5 kids out shopping on Saturday for the usual groceries, plus gifts. I created a birthday/Christmas list for Brian to take the kids out shopping with. I stayed home with the 2 girls that were grounded!! Cleaned house for the sitter to come and did some laundry. Boys brought me home a bouquet from Costco. One of the gifts on the list was a poinsettia - they brought me home a GIANT one from Costco also.

One of Amber's friends, whose Mom I worked with and am good friends with, came over to help her babysit. We took Ashley over to my friend Jamie's house so that slightly older non-English speaking sister didn't have to deal with her! :)
I put on a sexy dress and hubby took me out to a very nice dinner - our fav place (Bone Fish) with good appetizers/drinks - and I got to order lobster, which was super yummy (regular date night I would not have)!! Hadn't had any cocktails since before summer (due to hosting and I only get them when we dine out for special occasions w/out the kids). Winter white martini w/cranberries - very yummy!
Sunday morning the kids gave me their gifts. Boys got me slippers, but they are mid-calf and look like Elmo's feet or something - they'll probably go back to the store! The girls that were grounded Brian picked out the gifts for - large holiday scented candles - one fall and one Christmas. Brian's gift to me was several boxes of Ghiradelli Peppermint Bark. Amber and Brian conspired to get me a gag gift, which is actually a gag gift for Amber, not me.

Amber's friend stayed overnight, so took all the kids to church and I taught 5 yr old Sunday School as a sub for a friend who was out of town. The family took me out to lunch at a pseudo family-friendly place called Not Your Average Joe's. The food it hit or miss, but the ahi tuna wantons are always good and I LOVE their crab cakes. The dessert was horrible!! Sounded good "the peanut butter thing" ... the kids devoured it once I let them try it!

Jamie took me out for "spa" mani/pedi (we usually don't get the extra "spa" part when we have a girls' day out). I got light purple polish and purple glitter! After that she took me to Starbucks for a peppermint mocha and then we went back to her house and we watched the new X-Men First Class movie that just came out on DVD.

I got home just after 9pm so that all my kiddies would be in bed! :) Ashley and Amber were still awake and came down to give me a hug ... and check out my nails! :)

My Gift from Brian

Amanda & I at Not Your Average Joe's
The kids devouring my dessert!
Purple Manicure
 The rest of the birthday weekend celebrations are on FB here:

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Spanish-style Turkey & Black Bean Stew ...

... topped with cheese, salsa & sour cream ... and a side of tortilla chips!

Some of the kids really like it and others just tolerate it. Since Amber does not like anything spicy, I toned down the spice compared to the way I've made it in the past. So, how much spice you like it completely up to you.

Oh, by the way, this also works in a crock pot, after you cook the rice & meat.

Spanish-style Turkey & Black Bean Stew
  • 1 - 1.5lg ground turkey
  • 2 cups dried rice (I use Jasmine rice, but any rice should be fine)
  • 1 - 28oz can crushed tomtatoes (I use Contadina - 6pk from Costco)
  • 2 - 14.5oz cans diced tomatoes (I use Del Monte Organic - 8pk from Costco)
  • 2 - 15.5 oz can black beans (I use generic brand/whatever is on sale)
OPTIONAL VEGGIES (use all, some, or none)
  • corn - canned (not creamed corn) or frozen
  • 1/8 cup freeze dried onions OR 1/2 real onion diced, if preferred
  • 1/2 to 1 chopped bell pepper (any color)
SPICES (as desired)
  • 1 TBSP dried parsley
  • 1 TBSP dried cilantro
  • 1 packet taco seasoning mix (or if you bought in bulk 1/8 - 1/4 cup to desired spice level)
    • note - I have also used Mrs. Dash Extra Spicy if I don't have anything else
  • pinch of crushed red peppers

Begin by cooking the rice per package instructions. I usually put on the water to boil and then begin working on the rest. Brown & crush up the turkey meat. Drain & rinse. Return to pan and add salt/pepper to taste. In a large stock pot (or use crock pot if going to let it simmer all day) combine all cans (DO NOT DRAIN) of tomatoes, beans, veggies, and seasonings. Stir and simmer on low, covered. Add cooked meat. When rice is cooked, add to the stew. If it's too thick, add 1/2 to 1 can of water (I always add 1 can of water). Simmer on low-medium, covered until slightly boiling. Stir frequently to prevent burning/sticking, or use crock pot.

Serve in bowls and top with your choice of condiments: shredded Mexican blend cheese, sour cream, salsa, etc. and a side of tortilla chips for dipping!


Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Holly's Meatloaf

Brian hasn't eaten it yet, so I can't claim a success yet ... but most of the kids liked it! I really liked it! Too long to explain why, but it will always affectionately be called Holly's Meatloaf!

Holly’s Meatloaf

1.5-2 lbs. ground beef 
½ onion, chopped
2 tbsp. minced garlic

1 egg
1 cup milk
1 cup of dried bread crumbs (any flavor)

¼ cup Worcestershire sauce 
 2 tbsp. brown sugar
2 tbsp. spicy brown mustard
1/3 cup ketchup
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. 

Sauté the chopped onion in a little bit of butter. When the onions are almost finished, add the garlic. Set aside to cool. 

In a large bowl combine the beef, egg, milk and bread crumbs. Now add the onion & garlic. Mix well. Place in a lightly greased loaf pan. 
In a separate small bowl, combine the Worcestershire sauce, brown sugar, mustard and ketchup. Mix well and pour over meatloaf. 
Bake at 350 for 1 hour. 
I made just 1 modification and that is that I used 1lb ground beef and 1lb ground turkey. I also skipped the garlic in the onions because I didn't have any! I used garlic salt in the meat mixture and I think it turned out ok.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Today's Experiment!

What started out to just be me cutting up some left over chicken for lunch, turned into an experiment that I hope to be calling dinner tonight! Last week I took a small bottle of creamy Caesar dressing, poured it over some boneless skinless chicken breasts, and baked it for dinner. Served it with a side of broccoli. Everyone enjoyed it (well, not the broccoli part). Left overs were put away and today I decided to clean out the fridge in prep for the welcome home party we're having for Amber tomorrow.

Anyway, I found the left over Caesar chicken and decided it would cut some up, put it in a tortilla, top is with cheese, nuke it, and have it for lunch. As I was chopping it up, I realized there was actually quite a lot left and started thinking about what I could make it into for another meal for the family. Two cans of organic "diced" tomatoes came to mind. These cans were purchased as part of an 8 pack that was buy 1 get 1 free at Costco a couple of weeks ago. I have the word diced in quotes above because the cans do not contain what I would call diced tomatoes, but rather large pieces of chopped tomatoes in some liquid. So much liquid actually, that soup comes to mind.

So, here's my experimental recipe and I put it into the crock pot in hopes that it will taste yummy for dinner tonight.

The Chicken Soup Experiment
  • 2 - large boneless skinless chicken breasts 
    • (pre-cooked with creamy Caesar dressing as described above)
  • 2 - 8oz cans del monte organic diced tomatoes 
    • (available in 8pk @ Costco)
  • 2 - 8oz cans filled with water
  • 2 packets chicken seasoning 
    • (per Mary's recommendation, saved from top-ramen noodle packets that I used the noodles but not the seasonings)
  • 1/8 cup - freeze dried chopped onion
  • 1 TBSP crushed garlic
  • 1 TBSP dried parsley
  • 1 tsp each dried spices 
    • basil, thyme, oregano, cilantro 
    • (you pick what you like, I used them all)  
  •  salt & pepper, as desired
  • pinch of crushed red peppers
Cut cooked chicken to desired size. Empty 2 cans of the tomatoes into stock pot or crock pot. Fill both cans with water and combine into the soup mixture. Add spices as desired. Add chicken. Cook until desired temp and serve with side of rolls.

I'll let you know how it turns out! :)

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Getting Back into the Swing of Things ...

For those who have been following our journey to add more children to our family through adoption, you know that we arrived safely home on Friday, October 14th. (I will add a post to that blog about our first week back shortly.) Compared to the pace of life prior to the adoption, I've felt like life has gone at a much slower pace since getting home.
A huge part of that has been that I actually resigned from my position as paralegal for Care Net prior to the adoption process. I realized back in February that the full time schedule was not working out as well as we had thought after I returned from our first adoption trip

Don't get me wrong - I LOVED, LOVED, LOVED working for Care Net, the pro-life mission, and my incredible boss!! But, as I told them during my job interview back in 2008, I will always be a mother first and foremost, so of course they understood and have always been wonderful about things when I needed time for my family. However, with the pending adoption of possibly 2 more children, I felt the time had come that I be home more and work outside the home less -- such a position was not available within the company at that time. It was a bummer to have missed out on conference this year in Orlando, so I lived vicariously through their conference photo page while in Ukraine completing the adoption! I do hope that one day I can return to pro-life ministry work as I have been involved in the movement since junior high!

Our excitement for the week has been two things: I won a live Christmas Tree through a facebook contest from Dutchman Tree Farms and  I went to the doctor yesterday to confirm that I have a stress fracture on the top of my foot! It was confirmed and now my foot is taped up and in a walking boot (which prevented me from going to the $1 movies with my kids this morning).

So, back to the purpose of this blog ... mostly about meal planning and life strategies for raising a larger than average family. I know there are families out there with many more children than we have, but I feel like we have a large family (we only have 1 open spot at the kitchen table) and meal time can be a challenge both financially and logistically! I am not a very good cook. I can cook, but generally I can only cook what I already know how to cook. I usually ruin a perfectly good recipe the first try (sometimes the 2nd try, too) and when you're cooking for 7 people on a budget you just can't afford too many OOPPS-we-need-to-order-pizza nights!

The first step for me is to get organized. I don't like the panic that sets in when the kids get home from school around 3pm of "what are we having for dinner." The kids like to know! Actually, I like to know, too! :) Thus, came the calendar. This is where I download my monthly calendars and they can be edited in WORD or similar programs. I download 2 at a time and start planning ahead.  

I have posted my previous months calendars on the right hand sidebar for my own use to look back, but also to share ideas with others. Even though I'm no longer working outside the home, afternoon/evenings are hectic with 5 kids to get through homework, studying, dinner, clean up, chores, and showering. I know I need to keep dinner simple, less than an hour including prep & cooking, and something I can't easily ruin! So, weekends are my own time to "experiment" in the kitchen. I always have some "easy dinner night" options available just incase I ruin something.

"Easy Dinner Night" means something I can reheat in the oven. This includes (all from Costco) take-n-bake pizza (we stock up when on sale and freeze for later use), Mickey Mouse or Dino chicken nuggets, The Ultimate Fish Sticks (about 3x the size of regular ones), or chicken taquitos. I sometimes will make an extra dish if I'm cooking something out of the ordinary. Lazanga for instance, which I only make about once every 3-4 months, I will make 2 pans of it and use one that night and freeze the other. I do the same when I make enchilladas, which I don't make very often because it takes so many steps and really quite a long time! Anyway, if I have extras of these in the freezer, they could be used on an "easy dinner night."

Sunday, August 28, 2011

What to do when ...

you don't really have all the right ingredients for taco night?

I have exactly 8 meals left to cook (counting tonight) before we depart for our big adventure in Ukraine! So, I am not buying any more food, other than what we need for breakfast and school snacks (the kids eat hot lunch at school). This means that I have to make do with whatever concoctions I can create at home ... and if you've known me for very long, or have been reading my blog, this is NOT my forte! :)Never being sure that your creation is going to work out is quite scary for a mom of 4 kids (soon to be 5, possibly 6)!
So, time for tacos, but I don't have lettuce, tomatoes, salsa, beans, etc. any of the normal things one would add to meat inside a tortilla to make a taco. But, leave it to me to try to create something worth eating!

1lb ground turkey
1lb ground beef
2 cups dry rice - make according to package directions (should make 3 cups when cooked)
Bell pepper (any color) *see note below

1/4 cup taco seasoning (if using bulk or 1 packet)
1 tsp Mrs. Dash extra spicy 
1/4 cup freeze dried onions
1 TBSP freeze dried cilantro
Add to meat after cooking and add 1/2 cup water - simmer until water is absorbed

*Since I didn't have any fresh veggies or salsa, I added a package of chopped frozen green bell peppers. These had been on a special at the store and were $1/bag (10oz). I hate chopping things, so I stock up when these are on sale. They work great when I do a sweet and sour shrimp stir fry or for something like this as well, just to add some bulk and veggies to a meal. They also work well to add some bulk to any soup or chili dish.

I mixed everything together before putting it into tortillas and adding some Mexican blend cheese and sour cream (for those who wanted it).

Amanda said it was really yummy! :) I'll have left overs to each for my lunches for the next week . . . or maybe I'll serve it again tomorrow night so that's one less meal I have to cook . . . hmmmm :)


Thursday, August 11, 2011

I'm so PROUD of Myself!

For those who know me, I'm a "HOT MESS" in the kitchen! I can't do anything homemade and if it requires me to follow a recipe that has more than about 6 things to measure then I'm telling you it AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN!

So, I don't know what came over me tonight, but I decided that the stash of almost over-ripe tomatoes from our weekend garden picking needed to be used and guess what I was making ... spaghetti! :) We'd just gotten back from a busy day of dr appointments followed by meeting some friends at the pool, so again I'm not sure what came over me to try something new and possibly complicated. I didn't think I had time to look up a recipe, so I just decided to wing it!

~10 small to medium Roma tomatoes (from our garden) - blended or put into a food processor
26oz jar crushed tomatoes (Costoc) side note: I seriously use these for just about anything that requires pasta sauce or soup base
1 TBS crushed garlic
2 TBS sugar (I use raw organic, but regular sugar is probably just fine)
2 TBS dried parsley
1 tps dried oregano
1 tps dried basil
1 tps dried cilantro
sprinkle of crushed red peppers (if desired to add some spice)
salt & pepper as desired
1/4 cup dried chopped onions
add cooked, crumbled ground beef or ground turkey if desired
Serve over pasta of your choice! :)

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Getting Started Again ... Brunch Dish made with leftovers

Well, the summer is nearly over and our visitors from Ukraine have returned to their country. We had very few meals at home during the month of July due to travel, vacations, and just being out and about instead of being at home. There are only 3 weeks until school starts, so it's time to get started again on the home cooking meals to feed a larger than "average" family on a budget, while saving money for an upcoming (hopefully) trip overseas! :) 

I will also post my August menu planner (see sidebar). With so much food stocked up that we didn't use in July, it looks like I won't need to purchase much in August for main dish ingredients. So, I took inventory of my three fridge/freezers and wrote down everything I had and then sat down to the calendar. What I have a lot of is whole wheat pasta and sauce, so we will be having some type of pasta dish twice a week during August. In order to make this work for me, I have to keep it to simple recipes that I know I can fix and every now and then pick something new that works with the ingredients I have on hand.

This morning I searched the internet for a low-carb breakfast idea for eggs/ham (using left over ham) and found one that didn't use bread or potatoes. SIDE NOTE: I need to loose 15lbs (minimum) before travel time and the only way I know how to do that is with low-carb meals.* On top of this one being low carb, it meets my requirements of less then 6 ingredients and other than chopping ham takes less than 20 minutes to put together. Ashley even helped out.


1 lb. ham, cubed
2 c. milk
1 tsp. salt
1 c. grated cheddar cheese
6 eggs, slightly beaten
Mix together well and pour into 9 x 13 inch pan. Cover and refrigerate overnight. Bake uncovered 50-60 minutes at 350 degrees.

*note on low carb eating ... I have a stock pile of frozen chicken breasts from Costco so on nights that I fix a pasta dish for the family I will eat that instead.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The Girls are COMING!!!

Got the news today that the girls' flight arrangements are official! They will be here on June 28th! It's actually a nice time this year so, we'll be able to bring all our kids from home this way - last year they arrived at like 10pm or something like that, which made it nearly impossible to take little kids with us. It usually takes over an hour to get luggage, talk to people, get our family photo taken, and get off towards home ... stop for some grub and then the girls can just crash until they want to get up the next day!

I am super excited about a trip to Smith Mountain Lake. Last time I was at the lake I was with a friend who doesn't like bugs or to get "dirty" so she could barely sleep in the cabin we had just spent hours cleaning and washing sheets just to be sure they were extra clean! I also was taking some medication that made me very sensitive to the sun, so I couldn't spend much time outside. We should be able to take the kids boating, swim in the lake, go on the bike path, play some miniature golf, and there is also a movie theater and some good restaurant, but most of the time we'll be grilling up some good grub! :)

This needs to do on our other blog, but I don't have writers access to it, so hubby will have to just refer to it later! :)

Friday, April 22, 2011

What to do During Spring Break ... ?

Oh what to do during spring break? Well, the biggest factor in this equation is that MOM is out of commission. Last week on Wednesday night during AWANA games, I got hurt! Can you believe it? Well, if you know me very well then you can believe it because I tend to be a bit accident prone. I have several healed broken bones and a couple of surgeries to prove it.

This time doc says it's a ruptured quad muscle - ouch. He said to stay off of it for a week post injury. Fortunately that week has now passed, so I am off the sofa, but he insists that I use crutches to get around until I see him again on May 2nd. Ashley was with me at the dr visit on Monday afternoon and he told her to be sure that I didn't do any cooking, dishes, laundry, etc. by myself because he wants me off my leg as much as possible. Dad isn't buying it! :)

Ashley has been actually really good about helping me out ... bringing me stuff, asking if I need anything, getting ice packs for my leg while I was laid up, etc. If she was able to cook dinner, I'm sure she would do that (she can make a mean coffee cake for breakfast).

Dad's idea of helping out is taking 1/2 of the kids off my hands to go run errands with him. So, while not really my idea of "taking care of me," it is helpful to not have to boss around and prepare food for the missing members of the Macy crew! :) On Tuesday he actually had to be gone all day to do a job for a customer, so I was able to see how helpful not having 1/2 the kids around actually was on the other days.

On Monday and Tuesday I was able to get a teen helper from the church missions team for a few hours each day. The teens are raising money for the missions trips this summer. They do this by being hired by church members for $10/hr and the money goes right to their fees for the summer missions trip. We had a lovely 13 yr old who did well with helping me catch up on dishes and laundry that was piling up since I had been laid up part of last week and all weekend. 

Wednesday Dennis had to get his vaccinations updated - they do things a little different in Ukraine as far as childhood vaccinations. So, Dad took care of that and took both boys with him. Thursday I was able to get off the sofa, so Dad dropped me off at the office for a few hours while he took the kids and ran errands. Ashley stayed with me at the office to do things like get stuff off the printer and she helped me sort some things into a binder to take home.

So, today ... last day of Spring Break - thank goodness!!!!! As you can see from the photo at the top, Ashley and the dogs are enjoying some time on the sofa. It is cold and rainy today, so can't go out to play ... and if I may steal some lines from The Cat in the Hat ... so, we sat in the house on that cold cold wet day. I sat there with Sally, we sat there we two, and I said "Oh, how I wish we had something to do!" :)

Blessed Easter everyone!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

New Pets!

Ashley has named them ... Princess is one I know for sure, the rest I cannot remember right now.

Right now they are adorable! Soon they will be producing eggs. Eventually they will be on the blog again as the main course!

Monday, April 4, 2011


I didn't actually make the cake and it's not from scratch, but the daddy and kids had fun doing it!

Ash and D licking the beaters!


Kids trying to wait patiently for cake and ice cream!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Shrimp Lo Mein, Neighbor/Doggie Problems, and Band Night!

UPDATE: I have just been informed that Ashley signed up to play the trumpet or the baritone next year in band! Also, the April Menu planner is posted on the right ----->

This was Monday night's dinner, I just didn't have time to blog about it.

Shrimp Lo Mein
(self created recipe & homemade sauce)
  •  3lb bag of frozen shrimp (any size, uncooked)
  • 1 onion, sliced
  • 1 pepper, sliced (any color, but I think red is prettiest)
  • 1 can cubed or crushed pineapple (I did not have, so it can easily be omitted if you don't have or don't like*)
  • cooking oil, as desired
  • 1-2 cloves garlic (or crushed garlic) 
  • raman noodles, or other as desired
For sauce:
  • reserve the juice from the canned pineapple  (*if canned pineapple was omitted you will need approx 1/2 cup tropical juice such as orange, pineapple, mango, etc.
  • 1/4 cup lemon juice
  • 1 tsp orange peel seasoning
  • 1 tsp lemon peel seasoning
  • 1 tsp crushed ginger or ginger seasoning
  • 1 TBSP dried parsley
  • dash of crushed red peppers (if desired)

  • sprinkle of sesame seeds (optional garnish)

Prepare noodles per package directions. Cook shrimp in large skillet on low with cooking oil and garlic. While shrimp is cooking chop onions & peppers (or if you're like me, the onions and peppers are already sliced and in the freezer, so run hot water over them until they are easy to break apart). Add to shrimp when it's about 1/2 way cooked. While shrimp & veggies are cooking whisk together the sauce. Add to skillet and simmer until just starting to bubble. Add pineapple and cook for about 3 minutes on low, just enough to warm the pineapple. Add cooked noodles and toss to coat. Top with a sprinkle of sesame seeds, if desired.


So, Brian and Ashley are off at band night tonight. It is when the 5th graders go visit the middle school and learn about band. I don't know if there is a concert, a teacher, kids from current band class, or if they get to try out the instruments, so I'll let you know when I find out! But, they were exceedingly late due to doggie problems.

When I arrived home one of the children (will remain nameless, but not D this time) was standing at the back door with it wide open. I got out of the car and was just about to yell out to close the door when out ran Gus - the big dog.  He stopped for 1/2 a second when I called him, but decided that running around free as a bird would be much more fun than stopping to see Mommy.

He's the size of a 70lb lab, but all muscle and dressed here in Ashley's nightgown

The chase was on and both Dad and Ashley suited up (it's pouring rain) and went after him. This process is usually futile, and after about 30-40 minutes they returned home without the dog. While I was outside with the little dog, trying to coax in the big dog, the neighbor lady came out and decided to pick a fight with me about the big dog.

From across the street (don't even do me the courtesy of coming over to my yard) she yells at me that I need to do something about my dog because she's sick of my dog in her yard and going after her dogs (ill behaved Pugs who don't say in her yard any better than ours - I get to listen to her yell at them every morning on my way to work because they wander into the street in front of me during their potty walk)! This is also especially hilarious because like I said, he is as gentle as a lab and he "bites" the little dog ALL the time and it feels like a massage!

So, I tell her that she's going to have to talk to my husband about it because I am usually not home. She yells something at me again about calling animal control the next time she sees him out. She then asks me if my husband told me that he (the dog) almost got killed by the bus the other day. I tell her yes, he did, but I wasn't even at home, so there's nothing I can do about it. She retorts that I'd better do something about it!

Here he is "massaging" the little dog's neck -
he's as harmless as a lab.
The little dog draws blood!
It was now past time to leave for band night and actually make it on time and no one had had dinner. But, they left anyway, only to return a few minutes later with Gus! They saw him and opened the van door and he jumped in. We put Gus in the cage in the house and they leave again.

They return a few minutes later and Brian takes Gus from the cage to the front door, where a woman (I assume another neighbor from down the street somewhere) looks at Gus and tries to determine if it's the dog that HIT her car. No, not the dog she hit WITH her car, but the dog that ran into her car! She does seem concerned that the dog is hurt, even though he did it to himself. She said she went out looking for the dog's owner to make sure the dog didn't come home bloody and we didn't know why. Apparently Gus is actually an ox because he is no worse for the wear. We are however going to have to pay for a broken side view mirror.

Miraculously the dinner that I'd been trying to cook since I got home at 4:45 hadn't burned and it is now ten 'till 6. I don't actually have a photo of tonight's recipe, but here it is, compliments of my friend, Robin. It was de-lish' and D has seconds.

Onion and Paprika - Gulash Basic Recipe (AKA- Chicken Paprikas)

1 lg cooking onion minced
1-2 diced green or sweet yellow peppers (we just cut them in strips)
1 tomato cut up in quarters
2 tbsp. oil
2 tsp paprika
1/2 tsp salt

Boneless meat is cubed quite small. Meat with bones is cut as small as possible. Saute onions in oil on low heat until onion becomes transparent.  Remove from heat, add paprika, mix well and add meat and salt.  Coat the meat thoroughly with the onion-paprika mixture, add peppers, and simmer covered until meat is tender.  The meats juices generally are adequate; however, if necessary, you can add a little water or stock to keep it from burning.  The slower the cooking the better the flavor; thus this dish lends itself to crock pot cooking very well.

For the chicken version add 1/2 cup of fresh sour cream before serving. 

Saturday, March 26, 2011

"Red Neck" Stir Fry & Flowers

"Red Neck" Stir Fry

This is what happens when your dinner plans get canceled so you have to come up with something at the last minute! We had planned to attend a game night at the church, but we were just too tired to get everyone there on time, so we opt'd out. This meant that I had to come up with something to eat at the last minute! So ... what does one do with potatoes, red peppers, onions, and hot dogs? Why, red neck stir fry of course!

I just love paying for my own flowers. The "boys" brought these home from Costco. Guess who pays the Costco bill?
These are the orchids the boys brought home a few weeks ago. At least I didn't have to pay for them! :)

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Mustard Pork Stir Fry and New Dishes!

Mustard Pork Stir Fry
This is one of Mary's recipes that can be used in a variety of ways after you cook the pork, so depending on your ability to pre-plan or what ingredients you have in the house, you'll have a meal out of this! I did not have dijon mustard, but regular mustard worked just fine and probably had less bite to it - I'm not a big dijon fan. The sauce was pretty simple, other than I didn't have the beef broth, so I had to make it with bullion cubes, which requires the use of very hot water. After I created this piece, I read the rest of the instructions, which said "quickly whisk together ingredients before the broth gets warm" ooppps! Oh well, I guess we'll let that cool down for a while.

After I cooked the meat, I decided there wasn't enough meat for the large hoagie rolls I bought to make a decent sandwich, so I opt'd for expanding the recipe to make a more robust meal. The original recipe calls for 1 onion sliced and mixed in. I also added a pack of frozen mixed veggies ... peppers, corn, and broccoli. She also states in the instructions that this can be served over rice or noodles rather than sandwiches. I had some top ramen, so I made two packs and then just mixed everything together to blend the flavors and make a more casserole style dish. The hoagie rolls were turned into parmesean garlic bread for the side, which everyone gave a 10 rating!

The pork dish only earned an 8.2 total rating.

The new dishes

I am so excited about these new dishes. I had been asking for some since we had the extra kids for summer. We mostly used paper plates for ease of clean up and because the current dishes were rather thick and didn't really fit into the dishwasher very well. They also weren't as microwave friendly as I had hoped - they get really hot. So, after much searching, and my dear husband finding a great deal on these (like 60% off), we ordered 4 sets of 16 piece settings. We use 8 on a regular basis, easy, so 12 makes it two meals before I have to run the dishwasher and 1 extra set in case we break something. The black matches the more modern appliances we have had installed in the past 18 months.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Satruday cooking session ... 4 meals!!!

Brian took Ashley and Dennis out for a couple of errands and then added Sam to the group for "manly" work outside. So, Amanda and I pretty much had the entire afternoon to ourselves. I decided to try some cook ahead meals, in hopes that this week will be easier for me (read my previous post about my first two weeks back to work after maternity leave). So, on Saturday afternoon I made 4 meals: enchiladas, enchilada casserole, a spinach-ricotta pasta dish, and for Saturday night's dinner we had pork carnitas.
Prep for Enchiladas

For those who are not familiar with Mary's book (from which the recipes in this blog are adapted), all her enchilada recipes are casserole style. My hubby is not a big fan of the casserole, but I know he really likes enchiladas so he would probably be a bit upset with me for telling him I'm making enchiladas and then presenting him with a casserole instead!

This recipe is meant to make two casseroles, one for that night's meal and one to put in the freezer for later (unless you actually have a family the size of Mary's, then you'll need both on the same night). I decided to try this as both traditional enchiladas, but also create the actual casserole as the recipe intended. I put the traditional enchilada in the fridge and we will eat them on Monday night. I made the casserole and put it in the freezer for the following week.

Next up was the spinach-ricotta pasta dish. Mary has several vegetarian dishes, but we don't do vegetarian. While I understand that many families, including Mary's, believe that vegetarian dishes provide all the nutrients a growing child needs, my husband would not allow me to serve a meal that did not contain meat of some sort! So, one small addition to this recipe is all it takes to make hubby happy! :) 

I actually added some onions and other seasonings not called for, but just because spinach is not a favorite of mine, so I thought it needed some garlic, salt, parsley, ginger, etc. to add some flavor to the spinach. I also used whole wheat penne because I didn't have the bow-tie pasta that the recipe called for. We will try it this week and I will add it to the list on the right side bar which lists all these new recipes in order from best to worst.

And, last but not least, after cutting my right index finger pretty badly (on the edge of a stainless steel pan, not with a knife), and taking a 1 hr break after cooking pretty much all afternoon, I started the pork carnitas. This one took the longest, but required the smallest amount of physical labor. The most labor intensive part was actually cutting up the pork into cubes for the pan and then shredding it afterward - it didn't require much attention at all while cooking.

Here is Amanda helping me get started. What kid wouldn't want to eat something soaked in SPRITE! Yep, 1 can of sprite and 2 cups of water, that's all it takes. Simmer for 2 hours and then up the temp and cook until all the water is absorbed. Shred and top with salsa and cheese inside a warm tortilla! I didn't think salt was enough seasoning, so I added a dash of ginger, and parsley, and some freeze dried cilantro for some added Mexican style flavor. 
I turned out ok, but the meat was dry. I think because the pork was still slightly frozen when I started that I probably should have cooked it an extra 30 mins at the lower temp, but I'll know to fully defrost the meat next time. Pork chops/loin have been on sale for $1.99/lb at several local stores for several weeks now. We bought a bunch when we did the borscht for the party a couple of weeks ago, but I couldn't pass up this good price at the market last week, so we have more pork than chicken at the moment!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Back to Work ... and Blogging

I must say that my first two weeks back to work kicked me in the BUTT! Don't get me wrong, I absolutely LOVE my job and the pro-life mission for which I do this work, but I had forgotten how LONG 45 minutes to work each direction feels! My first week back, I don't think I cooked a single night ... not even heating up a meal I had previously prepared and frozen.

On Monday, Brian suggested we order pizza and wings to celebrate my first day back - I'm sure not going to complain about that. Tuesday night we had left over soup from Sunday's noon meal. Wednesday night we ate at the church weekly potlock. Thursday night I honestly don't remember what we had, but I remember not cooking. Friday night I went to a friend's house and Brian was in charge of food at the house (and we have a don't ask don't tell policy on those nights)!

One night after being tucked in bed, I caught this scene when I 
went up to put some laundry away in the boys' room

The second week was better, but not by a whole lot! Sunday night I cooked a meal that produced lots of left overs, so we had those for Monday night and Brian had them for lunch the rest of the week. Tuesday night we had another meal that I had previously cooked and frozen and that produced some left overs ... which we took to the weekly church potluck on Wednesday night. Thursday night I worked late, so Brian was again in charge for dinner .... Sam says they had chicken nuggets and Gus was caged because he snuck one from Amanda's plate. I had defrosted some store bought raviolis, but I figured he wouldn't make them! :) Friday Dennis went to the dr (see Brian's post Who's the Whimp) and I had to come home early and work from home. By dinner time I didn't feel like making raviolis either, so we had some Costco take and bake pizza instead.

So, here we are on Saturday ... I have out on the counter defrosting boneless pork chops, 1 package ground beef, and 2 packages of chicken breasts. I am planning to make 2 meals tonight and 2 tomorrow night, eating 1 meal each night and freezing the other one for later this week.

Earlier this week we mailed out 4 packages to "friends" in Ukraine. T his is a sample of the jewelry we sent to our girls (left over Valentine's stuff that was on clearance for less than $1.50 ea at Walmart)!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

The Macy Bus

I will defer to my husband's blog about buying a new van I wasn't there when he bought it ... I didn't even get to see it first or test drive it or even ride in it! But, I did agree that we needed a new vehicle. And the best part ... now the little blue RX8 sports car is mine! I certainly am not going to drive the Macy bus which gets about 11 MPG to and from work daily (45 min commute each way on a good day).

So, after the big event, we asked our friend, Jamie, if she wanted to go for a ride in the new van. She agreed and we went to get some Mexican food, followed by D's favorite food - ICE CREAM! This was friend ice cream, and as you can see they all enjoyed it!

Dennis very excited to be in the van!

 Ashley very excited to be in the van!


Me, not quite as excited to be in the van!  Brian, about as excited as the kids to be driving the van! 

Monday, February 28, 2011

Randomness (and first day back to work)

First day back to work ...

Just kidding ... today was my first day back to work and it was perfectly fine. No customer issues today and more than 1/2 the phone calls I initiated so that's always good! And, my boss was gone for most of the day so I was able to sort through the pile left for me by the temp ... God bless temps, by the way! My job isn't usually extremely stressful, but it is in the legal and advocacy field, which can be busy and definitely trying at times. I was happy to be back ... we'll see how the rest of the week goes! :)

These are just random photos of the kids taken over the past month!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Artwork and Doctor Visits

This is some artwork that was on display in the hallway of the school. After Ashley and Dennis' dr visits on Friday, I returned Dennis to school and brought Ashley home. I saw this on the way out and snapped a photo! :)

Ashley has a problem with her ear and it's all swollen and has a large pimple like thing on the outside of the ear canal. She won't let anyone touch it to drain it or put medication on it, so off to the dr we went. She got antibiotics and also a topical cream to put on it. Honestly, it's just as bad today, if not worse!

Dennis has a rash, so he got two different types of creams since the dr didn't know exactly what was causing it. As you can see he's as happy as a clam, though! He also has what appears to be a cancer sore on the outside of his lip, so we had to toss out all the old chapstick tubes and get each child their own color so they don't accidentally pick up the wrong one ... we certainly don't need cancer sores spreading through the house!

Since the kids didn't return to school until after lunch time, we had lunch together, the 3 of us ... at Chipolte! Ashley could barely open her mouth wide enough to bite her food, but Dennis did great and ate almost his entire meal, plus chips & salsa.

After returning home, we had to start cleaning up for the Supper 8 party (4 couples from our church), which is actually tonight (Saturday). Dennis was helping me with the laundry ... and as you can see happy to do so! He also helped me fold sheets and towels. For as much as they didn't do anything with him at the orphange, I think they must have taught him to fold sheets. I flipped the sheet out so it was flat on the floor and he knew to pick up the end opposite me, fold it in half, make it parallel to the floor again and then walk towards me to make the rest of the folds!

I'll try to get pics from the party tonight and post those tomorrow! I start back to work on Monday, so I'm sure there will be less new recipe cooking and less time for blog posting!
