Saturday, February 26, 2011

Artwork and Doctor Visits

This is some artwork that was on display in the hallway of the school. After Ashley and Dennis' dr visits on Friday, I returned Dennis to school and brought Ashley home. I saw this on the way out and snapped a photo! :)

Ashley has a problem with her ear and it's all swollen and has a large pimple like thing on the outside of the ear canal. She won't let anyone touch it to drain it or put medication on it, so off to the dr we went. She got antibiotics and also a topical cream to put on it. Honestly, it's just as bad today, if not worse!

Dennis has a rash, so he got two different types of creams since the dr didn't know exactly what was causing it. As you can see he's as happy as a clam, though! He also has what appears to be a cancer sore on the outside of his lip, so we had to toss out all the old chapstick tubes and get each child their own color so they don't accidentally pick up the wrong one ... we certainly don't need cancer sores spreading through the house!

Since the kids didn't return to school until after lunch time, we had lunch together, the 3 of us ... at Chipolte! Ashley could barely open her mouth wide enough to bite her food, but Dennis did great and ate almost his entire meal, plus chips & salsa.

After returning home, we had to start cleaning up for the Supper 8 party (4 couples from our church), which is actually tonight (Saturday). Dennis was helping me with the laundry ... and as you can see happy to do so! He also helped me fold sheets and towels. For as much as they didn't do anything with him at the orphange, I think they must have taught him to fold sheets. I flipped the sheet out so it was flat on the floor and he knew to pick up the end opposite me, fold it in half, make it parallel to the floor again and then walk towards me to make the rest of the folds!

I'll try to get pics from the party tonight and post those tomorrow! I start back to work on Monday, so I'm sure there will be less new recipe cooking and less time for blog posting!


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