Saturday, March 26, 2011

"Red Neck" Stir Fry & Flowers

"Red Neck" Stir Fry

This is what happens when your dinner plans get canceled so you have to come up with something at the last minute! We had planned to attend a game night at the church, but we were just too tired to get everyone there on time, so we opt'd out. This meant that I had to come up with something to eat at the last minute! So ... what does one do with potatoes, red peppers, onions, and hot dogs? Why, red neck stir fry of course!

I just love paying for my own flowers. The "boys" brought these home from Costco. Guess who pays the Costco bill?
These are the orchids the boys brought home a few weeks ago. At least I didn't have to pay for them! :)


  1. Dennis wouldn't let us leave Costco without flowers for mom.

  2. Likely story. I'm still not paying for my own flowers! :)
