Thursday, February 17, 2011

A Mother's Valentine's Day (weekend actually)

So Valentine's Day actually started on Friday the 11th, just in case you were wondering! I went to the church to help decorate for the annual father-daughter dance which was to take place that night. While I was there several women were dropping of their homemade goodies for the dance. In walks one with this bucket and everyone just gasped in awe about it!

Next up is the picture taken before the dance of Daddy and Amanda. Ashley, our 10 yr old, however is a tom boy and declined to go to the dance. Daddy took them both last year, but she refused to dance ... with HIM ... she danced around the floor playing with her girlfriends from church, but daddy informed her that wasn't the point! So, this year he said only the girls that would dance with him could attend. She declined. Only after I told her about a certain friend who was going with her dad did she want to go ... sorry girl, too late! So, Amanda got all dolled up and went to dinner with Daddy. He told her it was a "date" and then she said they would kiss and get married. Um ... sorry sweetie, but he's mine!! :) So, that was Friday.

Saturday Daddy took the boys out to run some errands and they came back with two bouquets of flowers. He said one was from "the boys" and one was from him. So, I guess he's trying to teach the boys how to treat a lady.

Then I went to pick up the babysitter. She was one of the helpers during the summer time swimming lessons that the kids took. On the very first day I could see she was great with Dennis, so I asked if she could be his helper every time and she agreed. At the end of lessons she gave me her number for babysitting. She's been once to babysit before we brought Dennis home. Just the mention of her name and Dennis remember her and started making swimming motions with his arms!

Hubby and I went to see Harry Potter at the discount theater that charges $3.50/person and plays movies that have been out for a few months. Then we went to a Mexican restaurant that he's been wanting to try. It was pretty good, actually and the best part was that the mariachi singers didn't come serenade at our table! I thought they were going to and I knew hubby would HATE that!

On Monday all the kids had class parties for Valentine's Day! I signed up to help out with Amanda's class. I bought decorations at the $1 store (yeah me for using tips from Mary's book that I've been reading) ... I'd have never thought about going there for V-day decorations and plastic spoons! I even got the teachers chocolate roses there. I easily could have spent $20+ on these items at Target, but I spent $10 ... and I used my "petty cash" funds to do it rather than trying to find cash that didn't exist.

Amanda and her 1st grade teacher, Mrs. Brooks
 Amanda and friends playing V-day bingo

After the ice cream sundae making and V-day bingo, the kids passed out their Valentines and I took this opportunity to go visit Dennis' classroom and see what was going on over there. Dennis and his classmates were coloring after passing out Valentines. Daddy stating that this is Dennis' new favorite holiday is on our other blog here: but honestly D hasn't celebrated any American holidays other than this one, yet!

Then I headed over to Ashley's classroom to see what was going on in the 5th grade! They were about to start playing the Wii, which is when I left. I got a photo of her and her teacher, Mrs. Roth, and a couple other students also. This is her friend Zoe, who she talks about alot.

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