Saturday, February 5, 2011

Family Portraits ... not for the faint hearted!

So ... how do you get 4 kids and 2 adults to sit, stand, stay, smile NATURALLY, don't laugh, don't poke a siblings, don't blink, don't make faces, AHHHHH! Photographers that work all day at studios like Penny's, Kmart, Target, etc. may have one of the hardest jobs around! Well, we managed to get some decent shots of everyone, and the new family portrait will hang beautifully about the fireplace in late February. I will post the link to the on-line photo shoot once it becomes available.

Oh, happy super bowl everyone! GO STEELERS!

1 comment:

  1. My daughter ,in church, asked during prayer time that the Packers would win! Who's kid is this anyway? lol
